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Advocacy Canada Launches Exclusive “You Belong” Shirts for Pink Shirt Day

Pink Shirt Day 2024

Kelowna, January 24, 2024 — As Pink Shirt Day approaches on February 28th, Advocacy Canada is excited to unveil its limited-edition “You Belong” shirts, specially designed to promote inclusivity, diversity, and the power of speaking out.

Pink Shirt Day You Belong Kids

Pink Shirt Day is a significant annual event that stands against bullying and discrimination, fostering an environment where everyone feels a sense of belonging. Advocacy Canada’s “You Belong” pink shirts are not just a fashion statement but a powerful symbol of support for the 2SLGBTQ community on Pink Shirt Day. The shirts include the powerful nsyilxcen phrase kʷu yʕayʕát kʷuʔ čn̓k̓ʷɬn̓xiʔm̓ which translates to we all join in together / we are all part of it together.

By wearing these exclusive shirts, individuals will champion the values of inclusivity and contribute to the crucial work undertaken by Advocacy Canada. The organization is dedicated to developing educational programs and events that combat disinformation and discrimination, focusing on the lived experiences of 2SLGBTQ individuals.

You Belong

“The ‘You Belong’ shirts, with a design created by Kelowna Indigenous queer artist Sarah Jones, embody the spirit of Pink Shirt Day, sending a resounding message that everyone is valued, accepted, and deserving of respect,” said Wilbur Turner, president at Advocacy Canada.

The funds raised through the sale of these shirts for Pink Shirt Day Kelowna will directly support Advocacy Canada’s initiatives to uplift and unite the voices of the 2SLGBTQ community in Kelowna and across Canada. By participating in Pink Shirt Day with Advocacy Canada, individuals contribute to creating a world where diversity is celebrated, and everyone feels a sense of belonging.

Finally, to purchase your “You Belong” shirt and stand up against discrimination, visit the Advocacy Canada website. Together, let’s make Pink Shirt Day 2024 a powerful statement of unity and acceptance.

About Advocacy Canada

Advocacy Canada is a Kelowna based non-profit organization dedicated to fostering unity and amplifying the voices of the LGBTQ+ community and their allies. Through educational programs and advocacy efforts, the organization works towards creating transformative change on vital issues with enduring impact.

About the You Belong Collection

kʷu yʕayʕát kʷuʔ čn̓k̓ʷɬn̓xiʔm̓: We all join in together / We are all a part of it together. The You Belong message and nsyilxcən phrase along with the beautiful artwork came about as a project created by the 2SLGBTQ community and led by Advocacy Canada in Kelowna, BC in 2023. Local Indigenous and queer artist, Sarah Jones was commissioned to create the design and the Syilx Language House was consulted for the nsyilxcən phrase. The message and images are intended to provide an uplifting and positive message of belonging for the 2SLGBTQ community. For more information about this campaign go to