We All Join in Together

The Okanagan 2SLGBTQIA+ community and allies are proud to present a message of inclusivity through the You Belong project. Translated from the Syilx language, the phrase kʷu yʕayʕát kʷuʔ čn̓k̓ʷɬn̓xiʔm̓ signifies “We all join in together” and “We are all a part of it together” and is prominently portrayed in the You Belong design.

This powerful message serves as a reminder of our shared connection, regardless of background or identity. We acknowledge the traditional territories of the Syilx people and the Okanagan Nation, and express our gratitude to the Syilx Language House for providing these meaningful words.

kʷu yʕayʕát kʷuʔ čn̓k̓ʷɬn̓xiʔm̓ Pronunciation with thanks to Jasmine Peone

Building a Stronger Community by Belonging

The heart of belonging lies in fostering a sense of community, where we support and celebrate each other’s unique identities. We recognize that diversity is not just our strength, but also the foundation of a vibrant and inclusive society.

This campaign aims to convey a clear message: You belong here. We are all part of this together.

Through this initiative, the Okanagan 2SLGBTQIA+ community and allies strive to create a welcoming and inclusive space for everyone, reaffirming the importance of unity and collective action in building a stronger, more compassionate community.

You Belong

Sarah Jones: The Artist

The Art

The Community

The Contributors