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Canadian Pastors Plan Sermons Attacking Bill C-4

A call has gone out for evangelical pastors across Canada to preach against Bill C-4 which bans “conversion therapy” and comes into law on January 8th. “A call to pastors to stand united on biblical sexual morality,” has been issued by Andrew DeBartolo, Teaching Elder at Encounter Church in Kingston, Ontario.

Sunday, January 16th is the date when churches across Canada and the United States have been asked to join in preaching on God’s design for marriage and a biblical ethic of sexuality. According to DeBartolo and John MacArthur of Grace Church in California, they will be doing so illegally under the new law.

In a blog post, MacArthur states “We are all well-aware of the evil power and destructive influence of the homosexual and transgender ideology.” He goes on to mention the hundreds of LGBTQ people Obama appointed to serve in government and states “All sinners need conversion, but the list focuses specifically on “the sexually immoral…adulterers…effeminate…[and] homosexuals,” who will not “inherit the kingdom of God.”

Pastor James Coates from GraceLife Church in Edmonton has also joined the chorus and according to MacArthur has emailed him lamenting that the new law will be used to criminalize evangelism. Coates made the news earlier this year when he was jailed for defying public health laws.

“According to Canadian law, as of Jan. 8, 2022, the belief in God’s design for marriage and sexuality will now be seen as a myth.”

Andrew DeBartolo

What is clear, these pastors who refer to themselves as “faithful men” are determined to continue further stigmatizing and harming the LGBTQ2S+ community with their debunked practices based on a Biblical interpretation that modern scholars have disputed.

Every major medical and mental health organization has condemned the use of conversion therapy. There is no documented evidence that conversion therapy is effective in changing sexual orientation, gender expression, or gender identity.