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Pride 2024: A Clarion Call for Activism and Intersectional Solidarity

Pride 2024: A Clarion Call for Activism. Image of a Pride march with a sign that says Queer Rights not Rainbow Capitalism

Pride. It’s a word that evokes celebration, community, and a fierce determination to live authentically in the face of those who would deny us. The Pride movement, born of the Stonewall uprising and countless other struggles for 2SLGBTQIA+ liberation, has seen significant victories. But in the wake of increasing mainstream acceptance, has something been lost?

For many, Pride has become synonymous with parades, corporate sponsorships, and rainbow-themed merchandise – the commodification of something once radical. While visibility is important, it’s imperative that in 2024 and beyond, we reclaim Pride not just as a festival, but as a powerful act of protest against the systems that continue to oppress and marginalize 2SLGBTQIA+ people.

The Urgency of Action

Across North America and the globe, we’re witnessing a terrifying escalation in anti-transgender legislation and rhetoric. Trans and non-binary individuals, especially youth, are targeted in a desperate attempt to deny their existence and erase their rights. Healthcare access, participation in sports, and even the simple act of using a bathroom that aligns with one’s gender identity have become political battlegrounds.

And while the current wave of attacks targets trans people most directly, the insidious threat this poses to the entire 2SLGBTQIA+ community is dire. History teaches us that those who aim to strip rights from one marginalized group will not stop there. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and other 2SLGBTQIA+ people remain vulnerable to discrimination and violence. Our struggles are inherently connected.

Beyond Pinkwashing and Rainbow Capitalism

Too often, Pride parades feel less like spaces of radical inclusion and more like advertisements for corporations looking to exploit a lucrative market. “Pinkwashing,” the attempt to present a falsely progressive image, obscures the complicity of many businesses in upholding harmful political and economic systems.

We see your logos at Pride, but where are your voices when our community faces real threats?

It is understandable that Pride organizations need funding, yet we must remain vigilant to avoid prioritizing spectacle and commercialization over the fundamental need for activism and the ongoing fight for justice.

Intersectionality at the Core

Pride must be centered around the most marginalized members of our community. This means actively confronting racism, ableism, classism, and all forms of oppression within LGBTQ+ spaces. Black and Indigenous 2SLGBTQIA+ people continue to experience disproportionate levels of violence and discrimination. Our commitment to pride must be a commitment to intersectional justice.

A Call for Pride 2024

Here’s a vision of what Pride could be in 2024 and the years to come:

  • Center Trans Voices: Trans people must be at the forefront of Pride events: leading, speaking, and having their demands heard.
  • Prioritize Activism: Marches, protests, and workshops focused on concrete political action must be given equal, if not greater, prominence within Pride celebrations.
  • Support Community Organizations: Uplift the work of grassroots movements addressing homelessness, HIV/AIDS support, mental health, and other vital issues facing 2SLGBTQIA+ people.
  • Demand Systemic Change: Pride events should be platforms for calling out corporations and politicians who uphold oppressive systems.
  • Confront Intolerance Within Our Community: It is vital we address and challenge those within the 2SLGBTQIA+ community who do not support trans rights. Division only weakens our collective fight for liberation.

There is no gay pride without trans pride. There are no gay rights without trans rights.

Let’s make Pride 2024 not just a celebration, but a renewed commitment to the revolutionary spirit that gave birth to this movement. Our continued liberation depends on it.

Wilbur Turner

President, Advocacy Canada

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