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Kelowna Mayor Speaks Out on Anti-Trans and Anti-2SLGBTQIA+ Hate

Kelowna, BC — In response to a recent community statement on the rising Anti-Trans and Anti-2SLGBTQIA+ hate in the Okanagan, Kelowna Mayor Tom Dyas and the City of Kelowna issued the following statement:

The City of Kelowna believes in an inclusive and diverse community where everyone is safe. We will not tolerate hate, intimidation or violence for any reason including against trans and 2SLGBTQIA+ people.

“We feel this is a very positive message to our community and the public, and it is important to note the statement includes the words hate, intimidation, and violence as these are the tactics being used against us. This leads to an unsafe environment for all citizens,” says Wilbur Turner of Advocacy Canada. He adds, “Having this statement from the Mayor and The City sends a clear message these actions are not acceptable in a society that values diversity and inclusion. This stand adds to the growing solidarity denouncing hate that is being demonstrated by allies who are leaders in local businesses, community organizations, elected officials, and concerned individuals.”

The statement Standing Together Against Anti-Trans and Anti-2SLGBTQIA+ Hate may be viewed online here which includes instructions on how to have your name or organization added as well as other actions of solidarity that are welcomed.

About Advocacy Canada is a Kelowna based non-profit organization with a mission to unite and amplify queer voices in support of creating positive change on important issues.

Media Contact

For media inquiries please contact Wilbur Turner:
