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It’s Not Therapy, It’s Abuse

The powerful short film is the result of a collective of 21 LGBTQA+ charities, coordinated by Stonewall, coming together to depict the abuse of a young trans person undergoing so-called ‘conversion therapy’ more accurately described as sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts (SOGIECE). The abuse seen in the 2.5-minute-long film is currently completely legal in the United Kingdom.

Directed by Zhang + Knight through Academy, the film, titled It’s Not Therapy, It’s Abuse, sensitively depicts heartbreaking scenes showing the abuse, coercion, and psychological harm inflicted on a young trans person forced into conversion therapy.

Accompanied by Douglas Dare’s rendition of the Pet Shop Boy’s It’s a Sin, the film shines a light on the various abusive methods that are used to attempt to ‘cure’ LGBTQA+ people and serves to raise awareness of the harm that continues to be inflicted on people in the United Kingdom while the practice remains legal.

This film is based on first-hand United Kingdom survivor testimonies and the campaign supports the introduction of legislation for a full ban on conversion therapy that includes trans people and protects the whole LGBTQA+ community.

Toby Allen, Executive Creative Director at The&Partnership said: “At The &Partnership, we champion belonging, diversity, and inclusion as a company and across society. We believe no one should be forced to change who they are, and our film makes clear that ‘conversion therapy’ is not therapy, it’s abuse. We’re proud of all our LGBTQA+ people, and proud to work on this campaign to promote a full ban.”

The campaign makes a clear distinction between valid forms of therapy intended to support LGBTQA+ individuals and so-called ‘conversion therapy’ intended to cure, change, or suppress their sexual orientation or gender identity.